論文誌 ”Sensors and Materials”から、微細加工PFユーザーの論文が最優秀論文賞を受賞

2019年9月に掲載しましたニュース記事『最先端の微細加工関連技術をご紹介する特集号が発行されました』で紹介の論文誌”Sensors and Materials”において、2019年度若手研究者論文賞が選定され、

Vol. 31 No. 8(2)
Special Issue on Advanced Nanofabrication Processes for Emerging Devices
and Materials


Fabrication of Solidified Ionic Liquid with 3D Microstructures and Its
Application to
Vibration Energy Harvester

Taiki Iida, Takuya Tsukamoto, Kazumoto Miwa, Shimpei Ono, and Takaaki Suzuki

受賞された飯田さん他は、群馬大学 鈴木孝明教授の研究室の所属で、微細加工技術を応用した新しいエナジーハーベスタの研究に取り組み、その成果をまとめた論文が評価されました。

Sensors and Materials Young Researcher Paper Award 2019

<受賞コメント(Comments from Award Recipient)>

 I am very pleased to receive the Young Researcher Paper Award 2019 from Sensors and Materials, which is an authoritative journal on sensors and sensing materials. Our study was carried out in collaboration with Mr. Takuya Tsukamoto and Prof. Takaaki Suzuki of Gunma University and Dr. Shinpei Ono and Dr. Kazumoto Miwa of the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry. I am deeply grateful to my team for their guidance and advice. This study was launched as a joint interdisciplinary research project under two JST-PRESTO programs promoted by Prof. Suzuki and Dr. Ono. In this study on vibration energy harvesters to provide electric power for sensor nodes of wireless sensor networks, we proposed a novel forming method to simultaneously perform the solidification, polarization, and microstructure transfer of a solidified ionic liquid using a mold with 3D micropatterns fabricated by 3D lithography. We made great progress through collaboration with different fields by combining 3D MEMS technology and material research on the solidified ionic liquid. I will continue to advance this research toward the realization of an IoT society.

Iida Taiki